
What is Hatha-Yoga?
Yoga is a holistic way of living, including dietary habits, disciplined practice, and introspection. It is a path guiding us towards enlightenment. Along this journey, we experience improvements in our physical well-being, emotional contentment, and overall sense of fulfillment.

Say “YES” To Life
Life is a perpetual stream of energy, constantly in motion, shaping our experiences and journeys. Whether joyful or challenging, every event we encounter is made of energy. It's not about confinement but rather about allowing it to move freely. As we say yes to what unfolds before us, we ride the current of life. And when faced with difficulties, we can allow the pain to pass through us rather than resisting its flow.

Rekindling The Spark to Live Beyond Autopilot
Are we living on autopilot, or are we fully present and mindful?
Purpose and inspiration pass by when we only go through the motions. Living on autopilot makes us oblivious to the present moment, lost in our thoughts—worried about the future, burdened by the past— and missing the beauty of now.

Now or Never
In today's society, multitasking has become the norm, often seen as necessary for productivity and success. However, it can lead to stress and a sense of disconnection from our own lives. Our minds become cluttered with thoughts and distractions, preventing us from fully experiencing each moment. Happiness is Now, not yesterday or tomorrow…
Sophie offers emotional balance, ayurveda, yoga, and holistic wellness services to those interested in improving their lives through holistic wellness

Power of Embodied Intentions
In Vedic philosophy, there's a concept called "Sankalpa", which is about intention. It's not just a passing thought; Sankalpa is a potent force capable of materializing in our physical world. The quality of our intentions influences the outcomes of our actions. This is the first step toward transformation. Sankalpa comes from two words, “San” means “to become one with” and “kalpa” means “time” and “subconscious mind.”
Sophie offers emotional balance, ayurveda, yoga, and holistic wellness services to those interested in improving their lives through holistic wellness

Imperfectly Balanced: Confessions of a Yogi
…Society loves to paint yogis as perpetually peaceful and Ayurvedic practitioners as examples of health. The truth? Even my revered teachers have their down days and health hiccups. This pressure to appear perfect? It's exhausting. We're all human, with emotions, struggles, and bad days. Let's embrace that! - Sophie offers emotional balance, ayurveda, yoga, and holistic wellness services to those interested in improving their lives through holistic wellness" in addition to more specific language around the blog topic.

Friend or Foe? Unveiling the Frenemy within You (and Others!)
…It takes courage to reflect on ourselves this way, and I want to acknowledge all the women in the group for their honesty and vulnerability. By understanding our own mental states, we can break free from negative patterns and better protect ourselves from people who might be frenemies.